Pablo Sotelo


2023 All-American Golden Cup - Playmaker

4.5 / 5


2023 Season


The player ranking comes from an evaluation session and a final ranking after the All-American event is complete. The final score is based on the performance during the event and is specific to the player’s birth year. All player rankings are added to all profiles after event completion.




Player has not participated in the Player Card Combine.


The Player Card Combine test a player’s skills that they have worked years on developing by competing in six different test. A scaled rating system is used to give the player a true and accurate score based on their specific birth year and gender.

Awards / Achievements

1st Place - U9 SSA -Jekyll Tournament Oct 2022 Brunswick GA USA 2nd Place - U12 SSA-Adidas Cup Nov 2022 Savannah GA USA Undefeated - U9CH4 - Spring 2023 Florida league 2nd place - U9CH4 - Lake Nona Tournament 2nd place - U9 Los Chacas- Summer 2023 Sangolqui Ecuador


Meet Pablo, a young talent whose heart belongs to soccer, and whose left foot is a blazing weapon on the field. A true lover of the sport, Pablo's commitment and competitive spirit make him a standout player in every match he plays. Pablo is not just a soccer player; he's a fast learner who constantly fine-tunes his skills to reach new heights. His dedication to the game is evident in his relentless pursuit of excellence, both in training and during game time. What truly sets Pablo apart is his fearless approach to taking shots. Whether it's free kicks, corner kicks, or penalty kicks, he trusts his fiery left foot to deliver with precision and power. In every game, Pablo finds a way to light up the scoreboard, leaving defenders and goalkeepers in awe. For instance, Pablo has already scored three "olímpico" goals in Georgia and Florida tournaments, a testament to his audacious style and remarkable accuracy. Off the field, Pablo's passion for soccer is contagious, inspiring his teammates and captivating fans. Keep a close watch on this rising star as he continues to redefine the art of scoring in soccer. Pablo's future in soccer looks bright, as he's set to create a lasting legacy in the sport he loves so dearly.

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